Participants are saying....
School Counselors and Student Achievement - I loved that I could finish the assignments at any time as long as the class was complete by the end date. All material is available for the entire class when you start. The instructor is really nice if you have any questions. I learned a lot, and it was not too time consuming and stress-free. Although I had to pay out of pocket, it was worth it!
~Mrs. Amanda Brown, Educator
School Attendance 101 is a very informative class. You see a lot on the news today about truancy. School systems are faced with the challenging task of figuring out how to deal with truancy. It may be difficult because truancy looks different for each school system. This class has allowed me to look deeper at my school attendance policies. I have gained a better understanding of the importance of having these policies in place for our students. I have also looked at other school system policies and how they may differ from ours.
~Ms. Latoya Pugh, Alabama Connections Academy
​The Attendance 101 PLU was very beneficial in helping me have a better awareness of chronic absenteeism/tardiness in schools, especially in grades 6-10. After completing this course, I am much more focused on chronic absenteeism/tardiness because when students are not in their seats in the classroom learning cannot happen and the chronically absent and/or tardy student falls further behind in academic achievement and success. The assignments were meaningful and gave me pause to think more seriously about school attendance. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in improving attendance and tardiness in the schools and the school district.
~Ms. P. Cloud, Montgomery Public Schools
The Attendance 101 PLU was very beneficial towards helping me heighten my awareness of chronic absenteeism in school. After completing this course, I am much more focused on identifying students with chronic absenteeism history, and discovering the reasons behind those absences, so that we , as a school, can best support each student and their family work towards decreasing, if not eliminating the patterns of absenteeism. The readings were interesting and meaningful. Dr. Washington offers great support, should you need it. The assignments were meaningful and easy to complete over the length of the course. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in improving attendance at their school.
~Mrs. P. Tanner, Hoover City Schools
Your class was very informative and educational. I gained resources that I can and will use in my school. My interaction with you as an instructor was unlike anything I have ever experience. Your professionalism, content and concern for students is overwhelming. We need more instructors like you, that really care about their students. I really enjoyed your class, and I will take more of them. Thank you so much! You are awesome!
~Mrs. V. Burwell, Huntsville City Schools
School Attendance 101 was well organized, clear and easy to follow. The instructor, Dr. Washington, is very knowledgeable and helpful. The course material is well covered and informative. Dr. Washington’s is lively and encouraging. This is an excellent course and I will highly recommend it to others.
~Mrs. K. Williams, Montgomery City Schools
Differentiated Instruction: An Introductory Course was informative and reviewed the various definitions of differentiation. It provided a wealth of strategies to use in the classroom and tips in helping to see more academic success in your students. The lesson plan template and differentiated instruction observation look-fors were definitely resources I can use in the future.
~Mrs. D. Robinson, Dallas County JDC
School Attendance 101 course definitely explained the importance of school attendance, the impact of truancy, examples of how to increase and improve school attendance. Excellent resources were revealed in order to improve the attendance. I think this course should be a requirement for all schools- it will definitely help to improve the attendance.
~Mrs. D. Robinson, Dallas County JDC
School Attendance 101 was an awesome course that offered a number of tools for achieving a higher degree of learning. When students and teachers are present and meaningful instruction is presented in an engaging and motivating manner, students will learn more. May I thank you for your passion to support continual learning for school leaders.
The knowledge gained from this course was relevant and practical. Learning with you was a pleasure.
~Dr. S. Faulk, Lee County Schools
I took the course “Why are we still doing that? Positive Alternatives to Problematic Teaching Practices.” The book was easy to read and understand. It was relevant to today’s classroom instructional practices and provided thorough explanations of each problematic teaching practice along with procedures within the teacher’s realm of control to correct. Dr. Washington was an outstanding instructor throughout the course. She was available to contact should the need arise, extremely knowledgeable, and well prepared for each Zoom meeting. I highly recommend this course.
~Mrs. S. Johnson, Saraland City Schools
I thoroughly enjoyed Differentiated Instruction: An Introductory Course.
I am a Special Education Teacher, and Differentiated Instruction:
An Introductory Course made me think about my content and how I
teach my students. I now have additional strategies to use with my students. I definitely recommend this course to anyone who needs more knowledge on differentiation.
~Mrs. T. Rodgers, Mobile County Public Schools
I would recommend taking the OnlinePLUs.com LLC CYBERBULLYING PREVENTION course. This course was very informative. I feel that this course would be beneficial to anyone looking to further his or her knowledge on this particular topic. It is was definitely convenient and you are able to move at your own pace. Dr. Washington was available and helpful. Thanks for a job well done!
~Mrs. D. Robinson, Dallas County JDC
OnlinePLUs.com LLC allowed me the flexibility to work at my pace and on my time, while also being available for quick communication. The course content was very useful and allowed me to deepen my knowledge of counseling support for academics. The communication and support allowed me to feel valued and reassured I had completed the work properly and if I had any questions, Dr. Washington was readily available. I highly recommend these courses!
~Mrs. D. McElroy, Educator
I recommend OnlinePLUs.com LLC to all educators. Sign-up was easy, and anytime I had a question it was always answered via email or evening phone calls. The material is related to many situations that happen at any school in today's society. We, educators, know that bullying has increased 80% more since students are online 24/7 due to the pandemic.
~Mrs. M. Benick, Anniston City Schools
The School Guidance Counselors and Student Achievement PLU course was very beneficial to me as a teacher and as a future administrator. The
articles were interesting and enlightening, and the content of the course as a whole was concise and helpful. A definite recommend for any teacher or administrator.
~Mr. C. Wofford, Washington County Schools
I would recommend taking the OnlinePlus course to anyone. The course
work was not complex, and was easy to complete. The articles and
research were very informative. I feel that this program would be
beneficial to anyone looking to further his or her knowledge on this
particular topic.
~Mr. K. Richardson, Washington County Schools
I enjoyed this course very much. It was very organized and flexible so I
could work on my own time. It also was a very informative PLU.
~Mr. B. Henry, Washington County Schools
My experience was excellent. Dr. Washington was always accessible, enthusiastic, and prompt in providing feedback for my class participation. Although this was an on-line course, I never felt alone in the learning process.
~Ms. L. Waters, Huntsville City Schools
I recommend OnlinePLUs.com LLC to all educators. Sign-up was easy and anytime I had a question it was always answered via email or evening phone calls. The courses are researched-based, informative, and relevant to any school setting.
~Valued Customer, Huntsville City Schools
I enjoyed taking the Guidance Counselor course. It was informative and reassuring to learn how vital school counselors are to student's academic achievement.
~Mr. G. Bowie, Fairfield City Schools
School Guidance Counselors and Student Achievement was very informative as to the magnitude the role of Guidance Counselors play in terms of student achievement. A fully implemented program is crucial to the success of schools at every level.
~Dr. T. Perry, Fairfield City Schools
I would personally like to recommend OnlinePLUs.com LLC. Sign up was easy, and the assignments were all practical, informative, and relative for urban administrators. I will use OnlinePLUs.com LLC again.
~Mr. R. Nelson, Jefferson County Schools​
I recently completed a 10 week PD with Onlineplus LLC and found the experience to be very straightforward and professional but most importantly enriching. Other pros: instructions were clear and concise, assignments were purpose driven and insightful...I walked away with more than which I came. Communication was another high point for me. Whenever I sent emails, I always received timely follow-ups and feedback. Customer service definitely made a lasting impression. I look forward to working with you in the future.
~Mrs. M. Moore-Harris, Jefferson County Schools
I really enjoyed this course! Thank you for making it convenient for professionals who already have very busy schedules and full workloads. I like the fact that the assignments were supported by research and state resources. I will recommend this course to other colleagues who need PLUs for certification.
~Mrs. F. Willis, Birmingham City Schools
I completed the professional development course School Guidance Counselors and Student Achievement. I found this course to be engaging and informative because I was afforded the opportunity to interview school counselors on the district, high school, middle school, and elementary school levels. I recommend this course highly to all professionals needing ACLD PLU credit, or any education professional interested in increasing their professionalism in working with school counselors to benefit the academic achievement and social emotional development of students.
~Dr. J. Willis, Birmingham City Schools
School Guidance Counselors and Student Achievement is an excellent PLU! The information in the course is both interesting and relevant and can be applied to any educational setting. I highly recommend this PLU to all educators who want to broaden their knowledge base in the area of student achievement.
~Mrs. J. Talley, Birmingham City Schools